
You don’t have to search for clarity alone.

A community of like-minded people to establish a clear identity.

Finding your path can be hard on your own, but it doesn’t have to be like that.

By having a community of like-minded people around you, it becomes easier to navigate life and make essential choices.

That’s what Mindblaze Community is about, and it happens in a closed (and encrypted) community.

Here, we share our challenges of life and support each other along the way.

Find your path, together.

Get insights and support from like-minded people.

  • Mindblaze Community (encrypted).
  • A group call every month.
  • A workshop a month.

Only €49 / month (inclusive of VAT)

Update your membership at our customer portal.


To be true to yourself, you have to find your true identity.

Johannes Gulmann Madsen
Ph.D. & Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen

“The workshop made me think deeper about what I want out of the future, and how to get there.”

Sofia Viktoria Christensen
MA Pedagogical Psychology & Consultant

“The ability to do the workshop remotely is genius. It makes it easier for me to meet my family obligations.”

Nikolaj Sorgenfrei Blom
Ph.D. & Senior Researcher, DTU Bioengineering

“It helped me get to the core of my research and developed me as a scientist, leader, and human being.”
